Person Centred Counselling

Embracing Personal Growth and Empowerment: Person Centred Counselling

Nurturing Change and Self-Actualisation Through Empathy, Congruence, and Unconditional Positive Regard

Person-Centred Counselling is a humanistic approach and my core theoretical philosophy.

Person Centred Counselling proposes everyone has the desire and capacity for personal growth and change (self-actualisation), given the right conditions.

The therapist, through the use of:

  • empathy (seeing your viewpoint as if they were you)
  • congruence (responding with honesty and transparency in how they experience you and your world)
  • unconditional positive regard (accepting and valuing you)

support their clients to attend to any negative feelings, to make changes through new choices and perspectives and develop in their own way. You are the expert of your experiences, not the therapist.

The therapist offers curiosity and encouragement for exploration into the meaning of the client’s experiences, helping clients explore their feelings, beliefs, behaviours, and worldview, leading to greater self-awareness and independence for the client.

Get in Touch

If you have any queries about Hull Counselling Services or would like to find out more about the services we offer, please do get in touch.