Why choose to attend therapy?

Unlock your Potential and Achieve Positive Change

Embrace Growth and Self-Discovery through Therapy

Therapy is a place where you can speak about your concerns or issues to a trained and qualified professional. The creation of this therapeutic space enables a confidential and safe space for you to gain a better understanding of yourself and others; although positive changes are made by focusing on you, not by trying to change others.

As a qualified professional I may invite you to you explore such things as:

  • your childhood
  • past or present life events
  • sense of yourself, others and the world
  • patterns of behaviour
  • relationships and emotions.

I will support you in discovering your solutions, which may involve the development of:

  • effective positive coping strategies
  • increasing self-confidence, self-worth and self-awareness
  • supporting you in making positive life changes
  • gaining understanding of any traumatic experiences.

Get in Touch

If you have any queries about Hull Counselling Services or would like to find out more about the services we offer, please do get in touch.